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Books (2)
There\ review
Posted : 4 years, 9 months ago on 8 May 2020 09:20 (A review of There\)Another deeply personal journey undertaken with Jim Perry as he struggles to learn to love himself as much as we love him. Once again we share his joys and his tears as his words strive to make us a little better in our journey through this life, and a little kinder to ourselves and others. That is the legacy he wanted, and his compassionate efforts will surely be rewarded in whatever comes in the hereafter. Thank you, Jim Perry, for your kindness and all you gave us as a game show host, tv entertainer, author, and friend. Love yourself. We love you.
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The Sleeper Awakes: A Journey to Self-Awareness by Jim Perry review
Posted : 4 years, 9 months ago on 8 May 2020 09:15 (A review of The Sleeper Awakes: A Journey to Self-Awareness by Jim Perry)Jim Perry. Probably my favorite TV personality ever. His personable demeanor gave so much pleasure to so many during his years as a game show host and through his other entertainment ventures. In this book Jim takes us on a deeply personal journey chronicling his struggle to find self-worth during a dark time in his life after retiring from the tv spotlight and dealing with the breakup of his marriage of thirty years. Throughout the text his genuine compassion shines through, making this a compelling read. We share his insights as well as his tears, and hopefully emerge just a little bit stronger, a little better, and a little kinder to ourselves. That was what Jim wanted. Rest well, Jim. Love yourself as we love you.
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